1 min read

Everybody Must Get Stoned

A quick peek at some annual hijinks.
A detail from today's IMMORTAL THOR ANNUAL.
Who indeed?

Another Wednesday, another comic out, another newsletter. Keeping it brief this time - I'm snowed under as per usual.


Immortal Thor Annual #1, that's what!

The cover to IMMORTAL THOR ANNUAL #1, by Salvador Larocca, showing Thor and the Prince of Power having a fight.
Classic versus Modern.

Annuals and specials are a good place to do the sorts of tie-ins we're not so keen on doing in the main book - and so it is here, as Thor gets involved in the latest Infinity Stone shenanigans. Infinity Stones means the Power Stone, and that means only one thing - the Prince Of Power is back! And stupider than ever! Also, he's not Prince of Power any more - the powers that be wanted to give him a bit of a boost with a new name, a new costume and maybe a little more depth. So I'm performing the role of tearful mother bird here, ushering my baby out of the nest into the wider world of continuity, with help from David Baldeón - a master of comedic expression and timing - and the ever-magnificent Federico Blee. Not to mention a backup story by Derek Landy and Sara Pichelli!


That's everything for now - I said it was a short one. Love and strength to all those who need it, and I'll play us out with "The Less I Know The Better" by Tame Impala.

She was holding hands with Trevor, not the greatest feeling ever.