2 min read

As God Is My Witness I Am Broken In Half

Venom War featuring Venom Horse. What else can be said?
Two panels from VENOM WAR #1.

Every time I start one of these it's later at night and I'm more exhausted. Burnout is very, very real, folks, but there's a comic out this week, and it's a biggie...


Venom War #1, that's what!

The variant cover for VENOM WAR #1 by Chris Giarrusso, recreating Iban Coello's original in his own more classic-cartoon style. The cover shows some of the various symbiotes of the Venom universe posing for the camera, including Eddie Brock, Dylan Brock, Red Goblin, Anti-Venom, the new Venomous Black Widow, and Eddie's evil future self Meridius.
I'm using the Chris Giarrusso cover here because it's just adorable.

We've been building to this for a while over in Venom - I'd go as far as to say that something like this what what we were planning in issue #1, though probably without all the wrestling elements. Which, not to give away too much of the plot, is a big part of this - when it came time to do the major plotting and conceiving work on this enterprise I was very much down a wrestling rabbit hole as a result of a heady mix of Orange Cassidy, the Golden Lovers and COVID-19 keeping me confined to quarters to stew in a vibrant soup of this stuff. I've since escaped that particular obsession but it's all over this book, as things start dramatic and get... dramatic-er. All this and Peter Parker too! Art is by the wonderful Iban Coello with colors from the great Frank D'Armata. There's also a backup story involving Venom Horse a.k.a. the horse from the new Venom movie trailer. I don't think it's much of a spoiler to say that I wrote the panel descriptions in the manner of the Hindenburg Announcer Guy, and Carlos Nieto absolutely delivers on the mayhem. Have fun with it, goo believers!


So now you know about that! I'm going to collapse somewhere, so no Marvel Comics Panel By Panel: The Prologuening this week. Love and strength to all who need it and I'll play us out with "Losing My Edge" by LCD Soundsystem.

I was there. I've never been wrong.