775 Is The Magic Number

It's Wednesday morning, I got comics out, I don't got time to talk about the comics I got out, I gotta talk anyway about the comics I got out. Whaddya gonna do, amirite?
Immortal Thor #14, that's what!

You could also call this THOR #775, being the 775th issue of a Thor comic put out by Marvel according to their own computation of what's a Thor comic and what's not. We're celebrating that a little with an extra-sized battle between Thor and Zeus - two lightning-gods, two heads of their pantheons, set against each other in a contest set up by Loki for their own mysterious reasons. Plus we get a bit more about what Gaea's up to. Jan Bazaldua provides the sky-shaking art with glorious color by Matt Hollingsworth.
But that's not all! Venom War is not in full swing, and I'm going to be making a serious effort to clue you in on all tie-ins - especially the main Venom book, which begins its portion of the event with Venom #36...

This one's coming at you courtest of Torunn Grønbekk, CAFU and Frank D'Armata, and it's one of the earliest things we planned as part of Venom War - an epic time-travel story designed to run parallel to the main event, with a Dylan Brock from the far future travelling back in time to Marvel's earliest days. What does he want? Who will he bump into? And what's Eddie Brock doing back in the Marvel 60s? Answers within, true believer...

Also out today, for those excited to see Peter Parker don the Venom Symbiote again, we have Venom War: Spider-Man #1, by Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly and with art by Greg Land, Jay Leisten and Frank D'Armata. This is showing some of the behind-the-scenes of how Peter Parker got from his apartment to the wrestling ring where the story takes place - needless to say, there were some complications en route, giving Pete and the symbiote a chance to hash things out in more detail than we had room to show. For instance, what does Mary Jane think of all this? Unsurprisingly, she's not a huge fan.
More Marvel Comics Panel By Panel next time - for now, love and strength to all who need it, and I'll play us out with "Parade", the theme from the 2024 Paris Olympics, by Victor Le Masne.
I found this to be a banger.