
Another week goes by, another comic comes out - and this one's a little bit different.
Immortal Thor #19, that's what!

This one's an experiment that came into being almost as soon as I started batting around a "Tales Of Asgard" issue – something that would act as a whistle-stop tour through the current status quo for Asgard and the Asgardians before the big explosions go off later in the year. I mentioned to Editor Wil Moss that we could do it as a bunch of one-page vignettes with a new artist on every page... and once I'd said it, I couldn't hold back from attempting it. Main artist Jan Bazaldua contributes the framing pages, and then it's a feast of Dan Jurgens & Brett Breeding, Luciano Vecchio, Karen S. Darboe, Jorge Fornés, Juan Ferreyra, Valerio Schiti, Rob Reis, Juann Cabal, Gleb Melnikov, Steve Skroce, Leonard Kirk, Cafu, Phil Noto, Martín Cóccolo, Lee Garbett, Humberto Ramos, David Baldeón and Gavin Guidry! Phew, I'm standing on the shoulders of a lot of giants there - a grand buffet of artistic talent, any one of which could fill an OGN and leave readers asking for more. Instead, just a small taste of each - hopefully it satisfies.
Weaving through these vignettes, there are plots and revelations - can Magni find a home in a timeline not his own? What is the Enchantress planning and how bad will that get? What lengths will the Executioner go to to steal Thor's destiny from him? And what about the Utgard-Gods? We're building towards some big things in the book, and bigger things after that - but for now, enjoy some fine art and Asgardian intrigue.
I've got more Thor to write today, so no time for a longer newsletter - love and strength to those who need it, and I'll play us out with another of the great 2024 songs I missed. Here's "Lost In Space" by Foster The People.
Turning through the sky around a screaming ball of fire.