Krakoa, A-Ok Ark

Another week, another newsletter. This week's fairly momentous in terms of big things coming out, though if you were here seven days ago, you already know the answer to the big question...
X-Men #35, that's what!

I talked about this last week - in fact, given the sheer number of artists to be named, nobody's going to blame me for just cutting and pasting:
"Gerry Duggan and Kieron Gillen bring it home, with an assist from yours truly - ten pages and a couple of panels, though I doubt you'll guess which ones. The art is a murderer's row of X-talent - Joshua Cassara, Phil Noto, Lucas Werneck, Leinil Francis Yu, Walt Simonson, Mark Brooks, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Jerome Opena, Luciano Vecchio, Stefano Caselli, Sara Pichelli, Romulo Fajardo Jr, David Curiel, Laura Martin, Sonia Oback, Marcio Menyz, Matt Hollingsworth and Matt Wilson... and if that's not enough, you also have a backup tale from Chris Claremont, Salvador Larocca and Guru-eFX, and the first ten pages of what comes next for the X, courtesy of Jed McKay and Gail Simone on words and Javier Garron and Morry Hollowell on pictures."
What more can be said? It's a bittersweet finale, for sure, but it was an amazing project to work on, and every single creator involved, at every stage of the Krakoan odyssey, put their heart and soul into making magic. (And maybe one day, when the bodies are buried, I'll tell you about the blood, sweat and tears we put in, too - right up to the end.)
I was about to say that Jonathan Hickman's original vision in building that writer's room, and giving us the levels of freedom to tell new stories that he did, feels almost impossible to recreate now... but then I remembered that I've got to grab the new Ultimates #1 today, so I guess it's not. I bet if I listened in on that particular inner circle, it'd have a very familiar vibe. And speaking of good vibes, I just joined a new writer's room myself that's as far away as you can get from the Krakoan shores but carries a similar crackling creative energy... however, we serve no wine before its time. More about that soon enough.
Thanks for the opportunity, Jonathan. And farewell, X-Men.
I survived the experience.

But I'm not saying farewell to editor Jordan D White just yet, cuz we're both here in Venom-land - on the road to Venom War! With a stopover at the current Marvel event, Blood Hunt! Drain this one dry, goo believers - it's a toothsome treat full of space beasts, blood feasts and fanged priests! Not to mention everyone's favorite rotting corpse, the Zombiote Lee Price! How does all this fit into the timey-wimey plans of Meridius, the evil alt-future Eddie Brock? Read it - and weep joyous tears of blood at the sheer vampiriffic vampirosity that only Juan Ferreyra could bring to the page!

Also out today from the world of symbiotes - Carnage #8! Carnage and Flash Thompson come at the mystery of the K-Program from opposite sides... but what's all this got to do with the Venom War? Pick it up and find out! Torunn Grønbekk writes, Pere Perez draws... Carnage kills!
I've got plot pages that need to be done and in, so that's all from me today. Next week is a light one, so maybe I'll have some Pride Month thoughts - or maybe I'll just take the time to get more work done. Until next time, love and strength to those who need it, and I'll play us out with "Everybody Knows" by Idina Menzel.
Take what's broken and build it again.