3 min read

Burnout Baby Burnout

So much out today, and also last week.
Burnout Baby Burnout
The wheel never stops turning.

Burnout is real! And taking days off doesn't help unless you really take days off, instead of what I did this weekend which was mostly bang my head against the keys and accomplish little while also not resting. So let's get everyone up to speed on what's out today so I can get folks their pages!


Immortal Thor #15, that's what!

The cover to IMMORTAL THOR #15, by Alex Ross, showing Thor flying in the skies of Asgard, the rainbow bridge stretching off into the background. Asgard is properly Kirbyesque, and seemingly made entirely of gold bar a few lush treescapes. The sun sets majestically in the background.
Alex Ross, everybody.

What a cover! I got word that Alex Ross was itching to paint Asgard and that was excuse enough to move the action there for a long-overdue chat with Amora the Enchantress... but is it the Thor we know talking to her, or the scary Zeus-infected version we ended last issue with? You'll have to pick up the issue to find out. Jan Bazaldua provides always-amazing art, and Matt Hollingsworth makes the golden realm gleam with color.

The variant cover for VENOM WAR #2, by Chris Giarusso, showing a Venom-wearing Spidey facing off against Bedlam in the wrestling ring as an adoring crowd cheers. Spidey's thwipping Venom's chains!
When a problem comes along, you must thwip it.

Also out today - Venom War #2, in which the action hots up and the Zombiotes get bitey. Also, Spider-Man has decided that he wants to keep Venom! And that's a decision that'll go very well for him and be accepted by both the Eddie and Dylan factions! It's all happening in the squared circle, while Meridius, the evil Eddie, entertains a special guest. Iban Coello summons up the goo and the grue, ably assisted by Frank D'Armata on colors. Also, another page of Venom Horse by yours truly and horsemaster Carlos Nieto! This time, Venom Horse is at the opera.

The cover for VENOM WAR: SPIDER-MAN #2, by Greg Land, showing Venomous Spidey and Jackpot beating up a whole crowd of Hobgoblins.
Face it, Tiger, etc.

Not to mention - Venom War: Spider-Man #2, detailing more of what Spidey's been getting up to inside the Venom symbiote - including a team-up with Mary Jane Watson a.k.a. Jackpot, and a battle with a particularly squamous symbiote creature that even Venom's scared of. Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing provide the words, Greg Land, Jay Leisten and Frank D'Armata bring them to life.

The cover for VENOM WAR: ZOMBIOTES #1, by Juan Ferreyra, showing a very horrible corpse zombiote leering at the reader.

And still on shelves from last week - and sincere apologies to Cavan Scott (story) Juan Jose Ryp (art) and Ceci De La Cruz (color) for not covering it then - we have Venom War: Zombiotes #1, which is the symbiote-infused zombie movie you always knew you wanted. Zombiotes 101 - they are two kinds, the Crawlers, who are dead corpses that shamble like your standard movie zombie but also shamble up the walls and ceiling, and the Swingers (fnarr) who are the live victims/hostages who function more like running zombies but can also swing on webs. I invented these creeps explicitly so tie-in writers could have lots of fun with them, and the Zombiotes team very, very much have that fun, and pass the fun on to you. And if you're a fan of She-Hulk and Hellcat, they're here too! But, given all those zombiotes... for how long...?


Yes, this newsletter took me two hours and nobody gets pages out of it. I need to hire an intern. Love and strength to all who need it, and I'll play us out with "Jellyhead" by Crush.

So what if your jeans are torn? They've been torn since Bros were cool.